Agricultural innovation 4.0
At SOFEJEA we support the cooperatives Cooperativa Agraria Virgen de la Oliva (Ejea), Cooperativa Agraria San Miguel Arcángel (Valareña) and Cooperativa Agraria San Mateo (Pinsoro).
We collaborate with initiatives to modernise irrigation systems and help the grassroots and the General Irrigation District of Las Bardenas’ irrigation communities.
In addition, we act as a link between local agricultural innovation proposals and the Cinco Villas Agricultural Technological Centre, the Agri-Food Research and Technology Centre of Aragon (CITA) and the Aula Dei Experimental Station (EEAD).
SOFEJEA is the entity that connects the agricultural sector with the University of Zaragoza, by means of the Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI) to transfer the R&D results generated by the research groups to the business sector.
We bring the annual tenders for R&D+i of the Department of Agriculture of the Government of Aragon and other cooperation programmes within the agri-food sector closer to local companies.
Together with Ejea de los Caballeros Town Council, at SOFEJEA, we promote pilot projects to contribute towards diversifying local agriculture and showing its feasibility to the farmers in our municipality.