Support for Companies

Each and every one of the actions developed by SOFEJEA, in addition to promoting entrepreneurial culture, supporting new individual or collective self-employment projects, are aimed at promoting business initiatives and favouring the consolidation of already established local companies, through actions that improve competitiveness and innovation thereof.

The action plan includes programs, services and initiatives in economic development and business development. Studies and analysis to diagnose existing problems and anomalies and identify potentialities and resources likely to become sources of economic activity and employment.

SOFEJEA makes available efficient and flexible services, which make the day-to-day business of local entrepreneurs easier.

Another area of activity of the Municipal Development Society of Ejea is the promotion of industrial land and the strengthening of the business, through the competitive reinforcement of companies, driven by new technologies and the incorporation of new – more sustainable and efficient management models.

Business Innovation

SOFEJEA promotes efficiency in business management and innovation, with the aim of making activities and sectors more competitive on a global scale and reducing the innovation gap in certain sectors of the local economy.

Ejea de los Caballeros has infrastructure and land to contribute to the development and consolidation of innovative companies.

The “Valdeferrín Oeste” Science and Technology Park, the Aula Dei Foundation Technical Office, the Cinco Villas Agricultural & Livestock Technology Centre or the Municipal Business Incubator are equipment and infrastructure, the mission of which is to support the activity of innovative companies and create opportunities in programs related to R&D&I.